The purpose of the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society is to provide access to affordable housing and supports.

We provide housing and support services to over 1,000 low-income households in Medicine Hat and area.

Through our efforts to end homelessness, our community has housed 2,095 unique individuals including 518 children.

Values and Guiding Principles

In working towards the end of homelessness in our community, the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society values respect, integrity, innovation, accountability, dedication, and collaboration.

Our work is guided by the following principles:

  • Housing is a fundamental human right
  • Social supports are essential to ensuring successful community integration and housing stability.
  • Lived/living expertise and community input is valued in local decision making.

Our History

In 2006, there were two distinct housing organizations; Medicine Hat Regional Social Housing Agency (MHRSHA), which looked after the community’s social housing programs, and the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society (MHCHS), which oversaw a variety of initiatives aimed at addressing homelessness.

Our Society has only grown stronger since merging in 2006.  Since that time, we have worked to add over 90 affordable housing units, seven transitional housing units,  700 direct rent supplements, and 30 units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) to our community.

We are also leading the development of a coordinated, systems response to ending homelessness that is client centered, data-driven and innovative. These accomplishments, achievable only with community leadership and input  have earned the MHCHS a national reputation for excellence.

Our Governance

Our 11-member Board of Directors provides policy and planning direction to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). The CAO is responsible for overseeing all of the Society’s business in the community and reports directly to the Board of Directors. The Medicine Hat Community Housing Society employs 32 staff members to deliver the services deemed necessary by the Board and the CAO.

The Medicine Hat Community Housing Society is affected by several provincial legislations including the Alberta Housing Act, the Residential Tenancies Act, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Board of Directors

Brian Andjelic, President
Scott Richter, Vice-President
Garry Ruff, Treasurer
Theo Weigel, Director
Rachel St. Jean, Director
Mayor Linnsie Clark, Director
Leah Prestayko, Director
Desirea Agar,
Linda Matsumoto, Director
Danielle Crocker, Director

Teri-Anne Bowyer, Director

Our Business Plan

The Medicine Hat Community Housing Society remains committed to its leadership role in the community. The organization continues to raise the bar when it comes to the level of service provided to those who require our support.

Our business plan sets out the strategic direction of the organization and reflects a 3-year operating period; 2023-2025. The plan is inclusive of both core business functions: Housing Management Body and Community-Based Systems Planner. In addition to the Business Plan, a Service Delivery Plan and Community Plan are also completed on an annual basis and drive the strategic investments into evidence-based systems responses to homelessness.

The organization’s priorities are ambitious and attainable:

  • Maintain an End to Homelessness
  • Housing Development
  • Service Delivery Excellence
  • Organizational Sustainability