and Forms
Those interested in applying for the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society Subsidized Housing programs are invited to complete a Standard Application Form. For Seniors Housing, please complete the Seniors Application Form. These forms are also available at the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society office at:
#104 – 516 3rd Street SE
Medicine Hat, AB
T1A 0H3
The application must include all required supporting documentation and be signed and witnessed in person in order to be processed.
All approved applicants are served based on their level of need, therfore it is important to provide accurate and through information so needs can be assessed appropriately. For more information on eligibility requirements and how to apply, please call 403.527.4507
This form is for individuals and families applying for one of the following social housing programs:
- Community Housing (Family or Special Needs)
- Affordable Housing
- Private Market Rent Supplements
This form is for adult individuals applying for the following social housing program:
- Seniors Self Contained Housing
Applicants are required to notify the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society of any changes in circumstances. Changes should be noted on the Application Update form and submitted Medicine Hat Community Housing Society as soon as possible, as this will trigger a re-evaluation of the application.
If a tenant requires a rent adjustment due to a loss of income, it is the tenant’s responsibility to report this change to ensure not more than 30% of income is paid towards monthly rental fees. Tenants must complete and submit this form to report a change in income and request a rent adjustment. This form is for tenants within the Family and Special Needs Housing and Seniors Self-Contained Housing only.
The rent report is completed by private landlords for tenants involved in or applying for the Rent Supplement Programs.
The Medicine Hat Community Housing Society can only accept rental payments from the leaseholder. If a tenant requires a third party to pay rent on a regular basis, consent is required by completing this form.
Tenants needing to submit a maintenance service request may contact the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society Office. It is important that all maintenance emergencies (i.e. fire, flood, no water and/or no heat) be reported immediately. Please call the Emergency Maintenance line at 403.527.4507
Tenants intending to move are required to provide written notice to the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society. The Notice to Vacate form should be submitted to the Medicine Hat Community Housing Society office no later than 30 days prior to the move out date. A Cleaning list is provided to highlight tenant move out responsibilities and to minimize deductions from the tenant’s security deposit refund.