August 11, 2021

Homeless Serving Programming

Informed by local need and coordinated data, and centered around end user experiences, Medicine Hat has a full range of services available to people at risk of homelessness, experiencing homelessness, and exiting homelessness. This video describes the various programs available to support individuals and their unique circumstances.
August 11, 2021

System of Care

Based on a housing first philosophy, Medicine Hat has taken a systems approach to this complex challenge. The homeless-serving system uses foundational principles, putting the priority on the person’s needs and experiences above all. This video introduces these principles and Medicine Hat's robust system of care for serving those at risk or experiencing homelessness.

Closure Notice: Please be advised that MHCHS office will be closed on Tuesday, February 4th, for organizational training.

Regular operating hours will be available Monday, Feb 3rd, and resume again Wednesday Feb 5th.  We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.